Monday, January 28, 2008

Study Guide: Group 19

Here is the latest Study Guide! I have not provided English translations, since those are easy enough to find by consulting versions of the Bible in English. Instead, I have tried to call attention to the various grammatical features of the verses, along with interesting vocabulary items, the importance of a specific Biblical context, etc.

You will find more Study Guides at the Vulgate Verses wiki.

These verses contain third declension adjectives:

212. This verse is from the apocryphal additions to the Book of Daniel called the "Prayer of Azariah." The verb is implied here, not expressed: Omnia iudicia tua (sunt) vera.

213. Be careful with distinguishing between the subject of this sentence, omnia and the predicate possibilia sunt. Even though the words omnia and possibilia are next to each other, they do not form a phrase!

214. Again, be careful identifying the subject, omnia membra corporis and the predicate unum corpus sunt.

215. This is a parallel statement, with the word omnia implied in the second part: Mea omnia tua sunt et tua (omnia) mea sunt.

216. Be careful with the Latin word vanitas. This is the origin of the English word "vanity," but the Latin word has the more general meaning of "emptiness, meaninglessness."

217. This verse is from the apocryphal book of Tobit. In the second part of the phrase, be careful to distinguish between the subject, omnia iudicia tua and the predicate, iusta sunt.

218. The word et is being used adverbially, meaning "too, likewise." Note also the use of the postpositive particle autem, coming in second position in its clause. The verbs are implied, but not expressed: sicut mulier (est) de viro, ita et vir (est) per mulierem; omnia autem (sunt) ex Deo.

219. This verse is from the apocryphal book of Tobit. Notice how there are two parallel statements here, each with a prepositional phrase: in aeternum and in omnia saecula.

220. Be careful to distinguish between the subject, pietas, and the predicate, utilis est. The prepositional phrase, ad omnia, modifies the adjective utilis.

221. Notice how the noun phrase fabricator...omnium wraps around the verb.

222. Notice that the verb is implied, but not expressed in this parallel construction: unus (est) Deus et (unus est) Pater omnium.

223. This verse is from the apocryphal book of Wisdom. Notice that the verb is implied but not expressed: Omnium artifex (est) sapientia.

224. The Greek text reads φιλαργυρία, "love-of-silver," hence the English translation "love of money." The Latin Vulgate, however, says simply cupiditas, without specifying that it is the desire for money.

225. The verb is implied but not expressed: omnia et in omnibus (est) Christus, with Christ as the subject of the verb.