Saturday, December 1, 2007

Study Guide: Group 2

Here is a Study Guide for Group 2 of the verses! I have not provided English translations, since those are easy enough to find by consulting versions of the Bible in English. Instead, I have tried to call attention to the various grammatical features of the verses, along with interesting vocabulary items, the importance of a specific Biblical context, etc.

You will find more Study Guides at the Vulgate Verses wiki.

These verses contain second declension nouns and adjectives:

12. The verb, es, shows that the subject is second person singular, "you," with no need for an explicit pronoun in English. The predicate precedes the verb, also unlike the usual English word order.

13. Here the verb is implied: Benedictus (est) Deus excelsus, with the predicate preceding the implied verb.

14. This is the opening of what is called the "trisagion," the "thice-holy." You can read about this portion of the liturgy in this wikipedia article.

15. Jesus is here speaking to his disciples, hence the use of the second person plural form, vester.

16. This is the opening of the long passage where Paul discusses the unity of all in Christ: Non est Iudaeus neque Graecus non est servus neque liber non est masculus neque femina omnes enim vos unum estis in Christo Iesu, "There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither slave nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus."

17. This is also part of the same passage; see commentary on Verse #17.

18. These words are part of the ancient Jewish prayer tradition called the "Shema Yisrael," "Hear, Israel." You can read an article about this Jewish tradition at wikipedia.

19. There are two parallel portions here, and in both portions the verb has been omitted: Populus tuus (est) populus meus, et Deus tuus (est) Deus meus.

20. Here the word Domine is in the vocative, with the verb omitted (tuum (est) regnum), and the predicate preceding the verb, unlike English.

21. This passage is from the apocryphal Book of Tobit. Somewhat like Job, Tobit is a good man who suffers terrible losses, but never loses his faith in God throughout.

22. Here the expression is built on a single adverb: usquequo. Here is the Lord's answer to Isaiah: Et dixi usquequo Domine et dixit donec desolentur civitates absque habitatore et domus sine homine et terra relinquetur deserta, "And I said: How long, O Lord? And he said: Until the cities be laid waste without any inhabitant (left), and the houses be without any person (left), and the land shall be left desolate."