Sunday, January 20, 2008

Study Guide: Group 18

Here is the latest Study Guide! I have not provided English translations, since those are easy enough to find by consulting versions of the Bible in English. Instead, I have tried to call attention to the various grammatical features of the verses, along with interesting vocabulary items, the importance of a specific Biblical context, etc.

You will find more Study Guides at the Vulgate Verses wiki.

These verses contain third declension adjectives:

202. The verb is implied, but not expressed: Beati (sunt) mites.

203. These verses are referred to as the "Beatitudes" in English, from the Latin beati. For more information, see this wikipedia article.

204. The adjective omnes agrees with the implied subject of the verb: omnes (vos) estis.

205. This verse is from the apocryphal book of Sirach. The verb is implied but not expressed: Omnes homines (sunt) terra et cinis.

206. This is a famous statement made by the philosopher Epimenides, and provides the basis for the so-called "Epimenides paradox." You can read more at wikipedia.

207. The subject, sapientes, comes at the end of the sentence, after the predicate, non sunt longaevi. This kind of word order is typical for Latin, but is sometimes difficult for English-speakers to get used to.

208. The etymology of the word peregrinus is someone who crosses over or through, per, the field, ager, someone from beyond the land. The Latin peregrinus ultimately yields the English word "pilgrim," as well as the more Latinate word "peregrination."

209. This verse is from the apocryphal book of Tobit. The verb is implied but not expressed: Omnes viae tuae (sunt) misericordia et veritas et iudicium.

210. The ablative animo plays a descriptive role; we might say in English "at heart" or "in mind." Compare Verse #201. The verb is implied but not expressed: Vir duplex animo (est) inconstans in omnibus viis suis.

211. The noun debitor takes complementary datives: "I am indebted (to)..."